
Hexes can be empty A empty hex or full A full hex. Some will begin covered A covered hex and you have to deduce their type from clues in the puzzle. Empty hexes indicate how many full hexes are next to them. Uncover hexes with left click (if you think it is a full hex) or right click (for empty hexes). Try it out here:

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Numbers outside of hexes indicate how many full hexes are in that column. They can be skewed so you can click on them to clearly see where they apply.

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A hex's value surrounded by square brackets (like [3]) means that the surrounding full hexes are contiguous. Similarly, a value surrounded by dashes (like -2-) means that the full hexes are not contiguous, i.e. separated by at least one empty hex. Columns follow this pattern as well.

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Full hexes can have a value as well, indicating how many full hexes are in a 2 hex radius. Click on them to show their area. They however cannot have square brackets or dashes like empty hexes and column indicators.

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All puzzles can be solved without guessing.